Sharks 14 vs Radcliffe 8

Manchester’s LGBTQ+ Water Polo Club


By teobot178 views9 months ago

Player of the game

Mark - A unstoppable game for a unstoppable player.


The Sharks started out on the back foot, Radcliffe managed to get a quick goal, but Jacob was quick to respond with a goal of his own. With two goals in the first 30 seconds, the game remained neck and neck until Theo scored a second goal, and Fergus and Jacob added another, giving us the advantage going into the second quarter.

The second quarter was another close one, with the Sharks just edging out one more goal over the Radcliffe's two.

The third quarter was our best, scoring five goals to Radcliffe's one. Even though we had fewer subs, our fitness was far superior to theirs. While we kept pushing, they slowed down, unable to get anything past our tight defense and our even "tighter" Mark.

The fourth quarter saw a return to a close game between the two teams, but we held onto our lead and finished the game 8-14.

Well played, everyone. It was a great example of how good league games can be when there is good officiating and fair play.

Game Stats

3Jacob D14
4Rick T
6Jack M1

Some favourite player moments

Mark did some amazing saves. He's unreal when he gets going, don't anyone dare say about my pen, jacob got some bangers and fergus also, all fergus's goals where wacky

We played brilliantly in attack. A lot of team spirit and a great effort with 9 players in a big pool. Mark was stellar at the back making some big saves at important points to keep our lead.

Amazing team performance. Jacob and Theo lead the line in attack and scored some amazing goals.

Daz did amazing in pit defense proper put up a fight and held his own.

Fergus left hand lob from the drive down the left wing.

Great to see plenty names on the score sheet.

Still a little slow to get forward and set up a deep wide arc. Crowding the pit. Was nice to see people moving and driving across the pool and down the wings. And seeing the ball moving left to right quickly. Great defense through out the game the drop work really well. We took that out of their attack for most of the game Good discipline when things got a bit heated by their num 2 in last quarter. Although was a good win we could of changed up our game a bit in the last quarter to try do some new stuff and different attacks.

Theo intercepting a pass on man down and then playing to Jake for a breakaway goal

Jakes shooting was on tonight - couldn't miss Fergus scored some amazing goals - the best was when he turned his player and then smashed it past the keeper

Jack giving away a penalty to stop a certain goal because he knew Mark would save it

Mark saving a penalty

Mark making a point blank save one on one

Rick just never stops swimming

Theo missing a penalty that Noah would certainly have scored

Robbie doing something to wind up that gob shite number 2 (what did you do to him Robbie??)

Mark telling the referee you can never be too hard

Great game from mark, brilliant saves

Mark making some great saves all game

Fergus scored two class goals. Theo taking a pen off Noah and missing it (absolutely not what happened)